The Boys Are Kissing
Theatre503, The Latchmere Pub, 503 Battersea Park Rd, SW11 3BW
17th Jan 2023 - 4th Feb 2023
UNTIL Saturday 4th February

When two 9-year-old boys kiss in the school playground of a small town, two sets of parents are told to 'do something about it' – but neither of them are entirely sure what.
Amira is sending inclusive children's books to the school library, whilst her wife Chloe dreams of a kitchen island. Sarah is trying her best not to upset the Mum WhatsApp group, and her husband Matt just really wants to do the right thing – as soon as he can work out what that is. Luckily, here to guide our helpless humans are two cherubic winged guardians of the gays, summonsed to attend to a disturbance in the queer atmos and intervene only where strictly necessary… but where's the fun in being an ethereal being if you can't drop in and cause a scene wearing latex?
A riotous comedy about angelic intervention, children's birthday parties gone sour, and whether it ever really is "just about the children", THE BOYS ARE KISSING is written by 503Five 2019-20 alumni Zak Zarafshan, and directed by Theatre503's Artistic Director, Lisa Spirling.